A deed well done: Recovering some data

At today’s Pils & Programmering a couple of friends of mine came by to let me have a look at a dead laptop hoping that I could recover its data.

If you have access to sound you might consider pressing play on this. Does this sort of tinkering is dead simple though it has potential for feeling quite awesome especially if backed by a certain movie’s soundtrack. :D

My friends' laptop Transferring the data from the hdd I removed from the laptop

So, their laptop was broken and didn’t want to turn on. My friend had bought a large hdd and wondered if I could move the files from their old laptop to the hdd. Thanks to a cheap hdd docking station this was totally possible. :) Just removed the hdd, plugged it in, attached both drives to my laptop and copied over the necessary files. Quite simple, really. I was rewarded with a couple of beers. Now I wonder if I can keep on fixing things for friends to tide me over money-wise throughout summer.

(No worries, I do have a couple of business concepts in the works.)